As you exit the shady Manor Park, you are greeted by the centenary spruce that gently wakes you up. You find yourself in a garden, surrounded by a labyrinth of young thuja trees that will soon grow tall enough to make you stretch your head. The garden is filled with the sweet scents of both familiar and unfamiliar flowers. In the center of the garden, there is a wooden gazebo that invites you to sit down and enjoy the peace and quiet.
As you enter the garden, take a moment to reflect on your feelings. Can you identify and name your emotions?
To engage in an activity related to this, form a circle with others and take turns sharing how you feel. Encourage each other to name emotions and discuss ways to cope with them. This can create a safe and supportive space for emotional exploration and growth.

- Good morning! - You are called a fragrant chamomile.
- Successful day! - Wish alien Amaranth.
- A pleasant evening! - Smell Melissa!
Do you ever feel like plants are trying to communicate with you? Have you ever stopped to listen to them? Perhaps they are speaking a foreign language that you don't understand. Our plant catalog can help you find the names of garden plants in various languages. In honor of Native Language Day, which is celebrated worldwide on February 21, the Latgalian cultural news portal invites you to explore plant names in Latgalian. Test your knowledge and see if you can identify these plants by their Latgalian names.
The game.
Fairy tales of flowers and colorful stories, beast tales and natural legends - they all contain some truth. Have you ever thought about writing your own fairy tale? Imagine Izop and peppermint, coriander and wormwood, lavender and monard waiting for you to tell their story through dance or song!
The Garden of Feelings welcomes you to bring your plans, projects, and performances to life. The rose bushes still hold the memories of contemporary dance productions like pixie Dumpis Chukstus (pictured), and the park has hosted the steps of dancers from the International Contemporary Dance Festival "Environmental Dance." In the summer, the park is filled with music almost every weekend. If you have any ideas about how you, your group, or collective can express yourselves, feel free to share them. Let's work together to make your ideas a reality!

The Garden of Feelings is especially welcomed and rejoiced at the children's guys. The offer of Lūznava Manor is included in the "School Bag" program, and we often visit large and small school children from nearer and farther regions. But we want to invite teachers to use the park, a feeling of garden, and maze outside the excursions, interactive hours, outdoor classes!
It is amazing how many students can do, learn how to learn not only from books, but also gain direct experience of different phenomena in nature. Outdoor learning is an effective method of education and is available to everyone. Outdoor learning results in developing individual and social communication skills and skills, strengthening physical and mental health, developing in mental, sensor and aesthetic consciousness, self -control and personal well -being of the students. The benefits of outdoor learning are obvious, but unfortunately, outdoor learning methods in Latvia are not planned in the learning plan and are used to develop social skills, to some extent in Finland. Be the first, pioneers and set an example for others!
If you are a teacher and want to offer a memorable lesson for your students, if you are older and go to a feeling of garden with kids - take a look in this material and be ready to play! Because learning is most effective and exciting when playing.
The material was created using the source: learning outdoors: means and methods. Preili Free School, NGO "Preili Educated Latvia". Nordplus Junior, Project no. NPJR-2016/10098.
Please write a story about your plant or a fairy and send it to us. Thank you!